Full transcription:
I’m really imploring the people, and all the peoples around the world… for God's sake, stop giving your “democratically elected” governments the benefit of the doubt. They are not deserving of that. They are not.
Stop rationalizing whatever your government is doing. Stop rationalizing and coming up with some good intentions. They have no good intentions. Never.
As I said before, in the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite concerned about the well-being of regular people. And it isn't any different now. Why should it?
Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. Because I can tell you, you cannot comply your way out of a tyranny. It is impossible. Trying to do so, you will only feed a gigantic alligator in the hopes of being eaten last. But guess what? Your turn will come. And then you will be the one swallowed up.
I also have to ask the people: end your silence. Speak up. For God's sake, stop complying. Start rebelling. They're out to get you, if you do not resist.
I would also urge you to stop voting for those who inflict this psychological abuse on you, who mock you for their own good.
In order to deal with this unfree world, to defy this unfree world, I have decided to become so absolutely free that my very existence is an act of rebellion. And that's what we all need to do.
Dejen de racionalizar lo que sea que su gobierno esté haciendo. Dejad de racionalizar y de inventar buenas intenciones. No tienen buenas intenciones. Nunca.
Como he dicho antes, en toda la historia de la humanidad nunca ha habido una élite política preocupada por el bienestar de la gente normal. Y no es diferente ahora. ¿Por qué debería serlo?
Deja de darles el beneficio de la duda. Porque puedo decirte, que no puedes cumplir tu salida de una tiranía. Es imposible. Si lo intentas, sólo conseguirás alimentar a un monstruo gigante con la esperanza de que te coma el último. Pero adivina qué... Llegará tu turno y entonces serás tú el engullido.
También tengo que pedir a la gente: acabad con vuestro silencio. Hablad. Por el amor de Dios, dejen de acatar. Empezad a rebelaros. Van a por vosotros si no os resistís.
También os pido que dejéis de votar a quienes os infligen este maltrato psicológico, que se burlan de vosotros por su propio bien.
Para hacer frente a este mundo no libre, para desafiar a este mundo no libre, he decidido ser tan absolutamente libre que mi propia existencia es un acto de rebelión. Y eso es lo que todos debemos hacer.
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